01. Airborne Operation Photos - Fort Bragg, NC - June 14, 1984

3rd Platoon, Bravo Company, 82nd Signal Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division

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The Company "Falls In" in the formation area for a Pre-Jump Manifest Call. "Manifest Call" was a roll call to see who was scheduled to jump and who was actually there. After manifest we would be assigend to a "stick", which was a group of jumpers that was assigned to a certain aircraft. We were given white stickers which we placed on our helmets. This sticker was your label to identify your place in the stick. After that was Pre-Jump Training. Pre-Jump Training was a review of how to do everything correctly just incase you forgot how. We practiced jumping out the door of an imaginary (*simulated*) aircraft, reviewed the Rules of the Air, how to react to Landing Hazards like Water, Trees, and Power Lines, and reviewed the Jump Commands. We also practiced the PLF, a Parachutist's Landing Fall, which was something everyone had done for a week in Fort Benning, Georgia at Airborne School. But we did it anyway because it was "Good Training" and it helped you to land without breaking your legs.

(Hold your mouse pointer over the photo to see the names of personnel in picture. Click on any of the pictures to see the image without all the text getting in the way.)

(SSG Quick, SGT John D. Mathews (without helmet), SP4 Lilton Jones, Vagenski, & Baptista